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These pictures were taken on my ghost hunting trips at the Valley Forge National Historic Park.

Washington's Elite Army
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Behind Elite Armies Quarters

In this picture, we were behind the hut-like cabins of Washington's Elite Army and Bodyguards.  Rich, see sidenote, told us that there was a solider resting against the tree smoking a pipe.  We then snapped a picture and this is what got.  Also note that at the time of the picture it was warm out ruling out that it was our breath in the picture and none of us were smoking at the time ruling out cigarette smoke. 

Near Wayne Monument
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Blue Orb

In the open grass next to the Anthony Wayne monument we took a picture of this blue orb.  If you look at the picture below, you can see that again we captured this magnificent blue orb again.  General "Mad Anthony" Wayne is said to mount this horse every January 1st in search of his remains being the fact that there buried in two different places.

Anthony Wayne Monument
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Blue orb on monument

Again we captured this brilliant, blue orb near the Anthony Wayne Monument.  If you look at the pictures above you can see this is the same blue orb from the other picture.  Is this the spirit of "Mad Anthony" himself or one of his men?

Sidenote:  On our first trip to Valley Forge, we encountered an eccentric "psychic" who told us that he had a gift to see and speak with these spirits.  With his strange ways, It was hard to believe him but reading the above caption with the ectoplasm, I'm having second thoughts.