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Everything is made up of energy and energy never dies, it can only change form.  Our energy is made up of our spirit (intelligence, emotion, personality and consciousness).  Spirits are said to walk the earth due to confusion, suffering bitterness and resent, or whatever the circumstance.  I believe everyone has had some type of "ghostly encounter" whether they realized it or wrote it off as coincidence or mind playing tricks on them.  Encountering a spirit is usually harmless, although some may be mischievous or harmful but this is not the norm. 

Types of Ghosts
Orb: Orbs show up as transparent or solid balls of light.  They can vary in color but are usually white.  Some pictures reveal an inner substance, nucleus.  Spirits take this form because it uses less energy.  They are seen with the naked eye and are often captured zooming across the room.  Some believe they contain more than one spirit traveling and can often have contrails (tails from movement).
Ectoplasm: This appears as a vapor that looks like cigarette smoke (see note) or a fog-like mist.  It is usually gray or white in color.  They usually appear close to the camera lens although we have pictures of them in the distance.  They can consist of orbs or the form of a body or body parts.  Usually the form seen before an apparition is formed.
Important Note:  It is important to not smoke while taking pictures.  Cigarette smoke can affect pictures and takes on a bluish tint.  Also, cold weather can produce your breath in the pictures. 
Vortexes: These appear as long streaks of light that are usually solid.  Some are thought to be a moving orb of very high speed.
Apparition (Full or Partial): Solid or transparent spirit somewhat taking a human form.  Usually they can appear in clothing style of their era.  Apparitions are not commonly seen and very rare to photograph.  A partial apparition is usually the head and shoulders portion of the body.
Shadow Ghosts:  Also known as Shadow People.  They appear as black, shadowy figures.  Very fast and evasive, they usually are seen out of the corner of your eye.  They tend to duck into nearby shadows or dart through a wall.  They sometimes appear with red or green eyes.  Some believe they are demonic due to unease and poltergeist like activity when they are around.  Others believe they are visiting relatives that have passed over.  They are seen more with the naked eye and rarely captured on film.